

Jul 20, 2023

8 Things You May Not Know About Disposable Masks

No, they’re not biodegradable, and there's actually one type of disposable mask that's dangerous. A doctor answers our burning questions.

As we settle into the COVID-19 pandemic and get used to a new way of life, we now have choices, choices, choices when it comes to mask wearing. Disposable or reusable? Sports masks or fancy anti-ageing masks? got some advice about disposable surgical masks from Dr Teo Wan Lin, dermatologist at TWL Specialist Skin & Laser Centre.#1: Disposable surgical masks are not biodegradable.Says Dr Teo: "Disposable masks are usually made from polypropylene, which is a fossil fuel-derived plastic that takes hundreds of years to break down. This is an issue as well with oceanic pollution when microplastics are leached and enter the food chain." We’d say think twice before you reach for a surgical mask that you’ll dump after one use, even if they may be cheaply and easily available now and lighter and more convenient in that you don't have to wash them. Imagine the huge amount of non-biodegradable masks there will be in landfills at the end of this pandemic, if everyone wears a disposable mask a day.#2: In a public setting, it's not necessary for the average person to use disposable masks."It's absolutely not environmentally-friendly for us to wear surgical masks, and it's also unnecessary," says Dr Teo. "In a public setting, wearing of fabric masks is more appropriate. A cloth mask is intended to trap droplets that are released when the wearer talks, coughs or sneezes. If everyone wears a cloth mask, this can help reduce the spread of the virus by people who have COVID-19 but are asymptomatic. Surgical and N95 masks may be in short supply and should be reserved for health care providers. When using cloth face coverings and masks however, care should be taken to use tightly woven materials that will effectively catch droplets."

We now know a lot about masks of all kinds, but there's always more to learn.

Some types of masks, such as the N95 masks with valves, can do more harm than good. Choose your mask carefully.

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#1: Disposable surgical masks are not biodegradable. #2: In a public setting, it's not necessary for the average person to use disposable masks. #3: Disposable masks cannot be washed and reused. #4: Yes, surgical masks expire. #5: Thicker masks are not better. #6: Yes, it's okay to throw your surgical mask in the dustbin. #7: There's no official guideline on how to store your mask — surgical or reusable — when you’re eating or drinking, but here are some ideas.