

Jan 05, 2024

Where to get N95 masks on campus

UC Riverside employees and students can get free N95 and surgical masks on campus.

With the spread of the omicron variant, the California Department of Public Health is recommending using surgical masks or tight-fitting respirators such as N95s or KN95s. Health experts, including those at UCR, say they provide a greater level of protection.

Environmental Health & Safety, or EH&S, is providing up to five N95 masks and 10 surgical masks to UCR personnel to help the campus community meet face covering requirements.

Visit the EH&S website for the latest information on face covering requirements and how to order masks.

For students, the Well is offering a free COVID-19 Wellness Kit, which include face coverings, hand sanitizers, thermometers, and other items. Students can also make separate requests for a cloth, surgical and/or N95 mask. Student organization leaders and faculty and staff members may also request masks in bulk for their departments, classrooms, or student organizations.

Visit the Well's website to find out more.